Saturday, 22 November 2008

some quotable quotes that i cant seem to forget. or rather, must put up for posterity (or as long as the internet survives). im sure there's more, but cant remember them.
andrea's vehement "i will touch all the boys... just for fun"
or perhaps sakina's "i can have fun with anyone" are choice selections.
actually wait, earlier sakina did say that "if i chased guys, i would get them all okay?".
i mean- hold on girls, slow down, and... choose your euphemisms carefully ;)
i think what made me really sit up though was soefie's "okay fine, i was wrong." for of course it demanded that we all check our hearing and pinch ourselves to check if we heard right. but yeah, all this aside- my point is- studying has been quite an enjoyable experience thanks to my lovelies at fass.

we also came up with some excuses not to study, because boy! have we had time to think about this. haha.
1) its against my religion... dont ask.
2) im on this special diet thing- yeah, adverse reaction and all that.
3) my mother will whip me if i study
4) where i come from, studying before noon is taboo. pretty much end up a social outcast
5) its friday
6) i just ate. must sleep.
7) i must sleep now
8) damn t roy's notes. damn. (just popped into my head. haha)
and the list goes on... you get the idea. thanks m'lovelies =)

on another note, im finding alot of this studying thing pretty futile. all over again. damn. help me remember Lord, that you are the only one i need/must rely on/will eventually satisfy. thankyou. and thankyou that i've survived this semester with relatively few disappointing experiences. i had higher hopes and at the same time, no hopes at all for somethings. but thanks anyway... especially for the fact that christmas is coming. OH YEAH!!!!!

and on another note- chinua achebe's Things Fall Apart is a wonderful book. i love the fact that postcolonial, postmodern literary trends are all pointing towards cultures that are rich and deep and immensely exciting. and thats why we get indian writers like adiga winning booker prizes. yay... there's something immensely patriotic about me that i dont really get. haha.

and on another note (because i can have many many notes in noteworld) it is disappointing when you let yourself down. or when you let others down. but sometimes more so when you realise there was nothing to let down. or no one to let down, they didnt expect anything anyway. though thats sorta the same as letting yourself down... so i never want to mean nothing. to do nothing. to be left on a fence thats rickety and old and supported by other fencemakers and fence-sitters. because there is a reason why things are as they are. and if its not written about then something will burst. maybe explode even. and nothing will be remembered at the end. except the ashes, the dust, a faded memory of what it could have been.

If music be the food of love, play on,
Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die.

Twelfth Night, Act 1.1.1-3

2:36 pm


Thursday, 6 November 2008

CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN (and you better believe it baby!!)

because we all need our heroes.

because we all want to believe things can change.

and more importantly its because we all need hope. for to lose that, we lose so much more of ourselves than we realise. we lose our ability to see past the heaviness of nights, past the memories of old age, past the weariness of sickness, past the disappointment of friends forgotten or family far away, past failed efforts and forgotten dreams.

and im thankful Lord that in you, that will never be taken away.

yes, there is something awe-inspiring about this election. and whats going to come next seems exciting... and im not talking bout the )^#$@* exams coming up... but there's also something frightening about it, the idea that things might not change. but that aside, tonight i will not be unhappy even though i have about an hour left and a good thousand words to conjure up concerning leadership (apt eh?) and virtue.

ah well, im still thankful for each day here, as mundane as it sometimes seems... its all about livin with a lil' joy =)

2:50 am