Sunday, 30 December 2007

stupid stupid moe system. GRRRHHH!

rights...hyderabad is famous for biriyani, so i've been eating loads of it- at restaurants, hotels and people's houses. apart from biriyani i've been stuffed on all sides with different sweets and snacks of all kinds. my relatives on my dad's side spends their holidays making sweets. loads and loadsa sweets. like 3-4 kilos from each family.

oh yest i went shopping with my mum and another aunty. twas really good- first we did touristy things like we went to the musuem (which was quite nice though in my mind i had all these suggestions as to how to improve it. lol) and then we went to char minar. which is this old building thingy that has 4 minarets (char means 4). yeah hyderabad used to be conquered by mughals so alot of islamic and persian influence in the architecure. tis quite cool. shopping was fantastic cause we went to get famous hyderabad pearls. and you sit at the counter and they show you different types of pearls and stuff and you try em on and feel like a princess. *aaaw* hahah. so anyway my mum got a pearl necklace and earrings set and i got a ring! needless to say, it is THE HOT!

apart from that, am leaving hyderabad today evening. indian trains here i come. lizzy asked me if they really look like they do in the amazing race, and yes they do. its quite dirty but surprisingly you get used to it... and even comfortable. lol. and there's this thing i call the train smell. it stays on you after you get off the train till you have a nice hot shower.

one last thing- bangalore's pollution and traffic is TERRIBLE. hyderabad is slightly better but still bad. gosh, the glass-domed singapore with its annual visit of haze is nothing to this. and i must have got used to that lack of pollution, cause travelling in bangalore is quite sucky. cant wait to come back and breathe fresher air. haha

my youngest, cutest cousin, karun! karwar beach at 7am
we got a shepherd on the road to stop for us and pose, all of the shepherds were carrying the tiniest, cutest little lambs. it reminded me of that verse, john 10: 11 where jesus says "i am the good shepherd. the shepherd lays down his life for his sheep". wow.
this was on the way to my dad's village, where he grew up. sometimes i wish that he would tell me more stories bout village life, where everything was so raw and real and alien. the realisation hit me when the shepherd posed awkwardly, stiffly as we casually captured something to take home and show the people. this is what india is like. when actually, this photo may have been one of few that this shepherd would ever have taken. and these villages are dying away as india's globalisation has reaped as many sorrows as it has joys.
yes, being here now as a stranger and yet calling it home. its not an anachronism, its something else i cant place. i've probably experienced some of my most awkward moments in the past few weeks. leaving is certainly not all its cut out to be... but coming back can sometimes be just as strange.

4:57 pm


Tuesday, 18 December 2007

i dont know how to describe what its been like so far. i know this is pathetic, considering how much i've wanted to come, etc etc. and i guess i'll look back at this and think of a million things to write but now that ive been here for a week and three days, i dont know what to say. brilliant eh... hmmm. i met all my friends, i've seen bangalore, i've tasted chennai and am currently enjoying kharwar. later this week i'll be off to hyderabad. wheee.

kay short story comes to mind, was my second day in bangalore and fourth in india- its probably the stupidest thing i've done since i've been here. lol. after going to coffee day (nothing like starbucks but the only accessible equivalent) twice to meet different friends i left on a bike with two of em. so susan, vandana and i are riding on this bike. three on a bike, take note. we get to the roundabout and suddenly vandana's like "susan careful, cops the cops". susan- " shit shit", vandana- "turn left turn left". susan turns left and STOPS! me- *in my mind* whats going on? nevermind, just get off because you dont know whats happening. so i get off the blasted bike and this potbellied inspector runs over to us. THEN i realise, hahah, three on a bike is illegal. not only that but susan brilliantly forgot to bring her licence and wasnt wearing a helmet. long story cut short- we forked out 600 bucks between us and paid him because apparently "he wasnt the kind you could bribe". HAHAH so yeah, that was my funny story. the best part is, all the dialogue above took place in the massive timeframe of 2 seconds. yeah... this has been an interesting journey.

well today i went to goa, i havent been able to upload any of the pics from my camera but here are the ones off my cousins camera. goa's beach is beautiful. my bro is like sentosa is nothing compared to this. and i aint sure... but i think i gotta agree with him.

more pics next time, nights =)

2:34 am


Friday, 7 December 2007

post-A levels has been such a whirlwind of things to do! and lizzy's right, prom shopping is detestable. nevermind, prom was fun!
Prom Pics
and the irony of my december- my first real hindu, indian wedding wasnt in india but in singapore. yeah life's little ironies are interesting indeed.
Rishik's Brother's Wedding Pics

with soo many things to do, i think this Word for Today is an apt reminder...
'The twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him...They lay their crowns before the throne and say: "You are worthy, our Lord and God"' (Revelation 4:10-11 NIV). Notice, they not only worshipped God, they cast their crowns (their accomplishments) at His feet. They were wise enough not to seek lasting fulfilment in their own success. They discovered that when you come into God's presence you can let it all go, and still not lose it. Sometimes we just need to lay it all down, look up and say, 'Lord, I need to spend time with You!' The truth is, your accomplishments may bring you some joy, but only in God's presence will you find 'fullness of joy' (Psalm 16:11 NAS).

and tomorrow im leaving, to go home. home. how sweet does that sound?! woohoo! but im still nervous, and scared, and excited and yeah... well, lets see...

12:39 am


Monday, 3 December 2007

and so it is over.
the air smells sweeter, the sky is infintely brighter and there is talk of freedom, joy, eternal happiness and the wide-eyed dreams of tomorrow.
i feel all this and i know that you, Lord, are the one i am most thankful to.
you and all my friends and my parents who were here for me. as soefie said, i was a grumpy little thing during the a-levels and though i would like to think differently (because i had some lame-ass excuses that i wont go into here) i know she wasnt too far off.

yes i feel all this in the air, all this life and i feel something more. something most desirable.
i feel like i want to write.

*feed the poets*


12:49 am